Well, the large content patch finally came. And, not surprisingly, it messed up most of my addons. (Although SimpleInventory appears to have been fine.)
So, here are the updated versions:
BuffTimers 1.1
Updated to work with the new system added to display time left on buffs by Blizzard, it now uses their timer if activated, otherwise it just does the existing "warning flash and fade".
SimpleInventory 0.4-beta
This actually has a new feature: a checkbox on the top that can be used to "compact" identical items into one slot.
XPMonitor 1.0.1
Since this now interfered with the Quest Watcher, I've moved it to under your character portrait and added a new command, "/xpmon" that can be used to redisplay it.
So there you have - three new versions.
Oh, and since someone quite rudely pointed out that anonymous posts weren't allowed to front page news, they are now.