More and more of the comment spam is starting with complements. It'd be nice if I thought there was anyone actually writing them.
I'll get stuff like "Great site! Love the hard work!" followed by a collection of spam links.
Yeah. I'm going to fall for that. Pull a random complement out of a database to win over website operators from around the world.
The smartest ones are those that have just the complement and hide the spam link in their username. Sorry. "Like your site!" linked to "" is really going to sneak past.
There's a reason why all comments have to be admin approved. I've lost count of the number of comment spams I've deleted.
It won't work! At best I'll just give up and stop accepting comments at all! Stop trying! Please stop trying! Sigh.
Just disable them
You really ought to just disable anonymous posting of comments. Anyone who really cares enough to leave a comment here can make an account, it's not like it's overly difficult. It's kind of annoying that they continue, though, since they serve no purpose. Google never sees them for page rank, and I'm sure as hell am not going to click on "donkey lesbian" anything. I secretly think you enjoy deleting the comments 'cause it's fun. ...I think it's fun too, actually.
The other thing you could do just to boost your ego is just edit out all the links and let the comment go through. Which I'm kinda considering doing right now.