Final Fantasy VI Advance is out!
I'm not going to review it quite yet, since I'm only a good two hours into it, but I will say this:
- New translation. Gil is gil again, and many items/spell names have been retranslated.
- Sound seems to be a little off. I'm blaming that on the DS speakers, though - it seems closer to what I remember with headphones. Given that the GBA SP I had seemed to drop channels when used without headphones, I bet it sounds REALLY off using that.
- Characters now have job names listed. Terra is "Magitek Elite" (blech), Locke is an "Adventurer" (to be fair, Treasure Hunter just wouldn't fit in the space available), and so on. Meh. Useless, but, whatever.
- Speech boxes have character portraits, the font is the new GBA font (which makes sense, as the GBA screen is tons more readable than TVs were capable of back when it was originally released).
All in all: it's the Final Fantasy VI (3US) that I played on my Super Nintendo. I'm happy. So's my brother.
If you loved the original SNES version, go out and get it!
But be prepared to search a little. I found it in the fourth store I tried, mixed in with the other games the restocker didn't bother sorting properly.