So, after taking the current 80GB PS3 off the market, tons of speculation was raised that Sony would be releasing a new PS3. After all, why else would they remove a model that, according to Sony, was selling as well as the 40GB model if not to replace it with a new, better model?
Unfortunately it would appear "winning" the Blu-ray battle has returned Sony back to our old "you're lucky to even be allowed to buy a PS3" Sony. The 80GB PS3 will be replaced with an 80GB PS3.
OK, it's not quite as bad as I'm making it out. This new bundle includes two new things: the Dual Shock 3 controller (finally) and Metal Gear Solid 4 - a bundled game that people might actually want to play.
Unfortunately, that last part means this new bundle doesn't launch until June. Plus Sony has yet to indicate whether or not this new PS3 model will support running PS2 software in any form. What is known is that it will cost $500 - replacing the now-missing $500 PS3 bundle.