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Submitted by Xenoveritas on
Anonymous (not verified)

lol, funny graphic. I agree with you. What started out as an interesting plot is now becoming another two-dimensional quest for stregth. That, and other plot inconsistencies/illogicalities just irked me.

Wed, 07/05/2006 - 20:23 Permalink
Sean (not verified)

"Rukia is a shinigami (death god), forced to live in the human world and pretend to be a highschool student since her powers have been (mostly) transfered to Ichigo"

Actually ALL were transfered to Ichigo, and when seh recieved help from Urahara, he gave her a faux body that restricted her powers from coming back.

Ichigo didnt regain his powers that he lost, those were Rukia's tobegin with as you can tell from the design on his soul slayer tsuba (hand guard) during the first episode as it looks just like Rukia's, what he gained was the powers he had in him all along.

Moral of your post = Dont down somethign you know next to NOTHING about you imbecile.

Wed, 08/06/2008 - 22:40 Permalink

In reply to by Sean (not verified)

Really? All that over "(mostly)"?

That was (mostly) based on the Wikipedia entry, which says she transfered "almost all" her powers. I think it was also based on Rukia continuing to be able to cast magic or something.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the actual point of the post: that Bleach has devolved from a somewhat interesting character story to a Dragonball Z "more power!" thing. It's stopped being about characters and instead has moved into "how powerful can Ichigo grow?"

When they introduced Super Bankai mode, it crossed the line into Dragonball Z territory.

Thu, 08/07/2008 - 04:01 Permalink

Some minor spoilers in the timeline, so I won't place it on the blog listing (or the RSS feed), but I will voice my current concern. Minor spoilers below if you haven't watched at all.

The series started out with the interplay between Rukia and Ichigo really driving the show. Rukia is a shinigami (death god), forced to live in the human world and pretend to be a highschool student since her powers have been (mostly) transfered to Ichigo. You got some neat stuff with Ichigo trying to balance school with being a substitute Shinigami. Cool. (Spoilers below.)

Then we moved onto the Soul Society arch. The start was neat - Ichigo had to regain his powers, and he recruited Inoue and Chad (Sado?) on his quest to rescue Rukia.

This slowly devolved into a series of battles in Soul Society, but with a really neat mystery in the background.

Then - the filler. Let's look at the timeline.

Bleach timeline: Soul Society starts, interesting.  Battle with Kenpachi and Byakuya, starts to drop towards "Let's Fight!".  Filler starts, and it dips dangerously close to "Dragonball Z"

So - we're starting a downward trend toward "Dragonball Z" where the entire premise of the series seems to be watching Ichigo gain enough strength to finally overcome Current Villian #1,257.

And, in true Dragonball Z traditional, most of his former opponents are now allies.