So I have an iPod Mini, and a laptop that runs Windows XP. Windows XP correctly detects that the iPod Mini is a USB 2.0 device, and that I plugged it into a USB 1.1 port. It then informs me of that fact.
Nice, right? Except that I have no USB 2.0 ports on this laptop! I plugged it into a USB 1.1 port because that's all there is - I can't plug it into a USB 2.0 port. The device can't perform faster, there's no faster port to use!
Every single time I plug it in, "This device can go faster" - thanks, Windows, but if you bothered to check (and it does, because it'll display a list of USB ports available if you click on the message), you'd discover that while the device may be able to go faster, the computer can't!
So, please, Windows, shut up.
Found this solution for the
Found this solution for the USB device can perform faster error in XP.
“In Device Manager, click on the USB host controller, click the Advanced tab and then check the box on the bottom of the window that says “Don’t tell me about USB errors.??? I think you need to do this for each USB controller listed under USB in Device Manager so that the error message will not appear no matter which controller the device gets plugged into.???
[Recipe curtesy of Kevin Steiger at]
Doesn't matter any more...
Doesn't matter any more, I found a different solution:
Replace Windows XP with Debian. :)