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Submitted by Xenoveritas on

What this!

D:\Firefox\mozilla\extensions\firetorrent>svn commit
Sending        js
Sending        public
Sending        src
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Your file or directory 'src' is probably out-of-date
svn: The version resource does not correspond to the resource within the transac
tion.  Either the requested version resource is out of date (needs to be updated
), or the requested version resource is newer than the transaction root (restart
 the commit).
svn: Your commit message was left in a temporary file:
svn:    'D:/Firefox/mozilla/extensions/firetorrent/svn-commit.tmp'

D:\Firefox\mozilla\extensions\firetorrent>svn update
At revision 39.

D:\Firefox\mozilla\extensions\firetorrent>svn commit
Sending        js
Sending        public
Sending        src

Committed revision 40.

So, why, exactly, did the first commit fail?