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Sony Announces In-Shirt XMB

Submitted by Xenoveritas on

Citing considerable demand, Sony has announced that they will be offering in-shirt Cross-Media Bar in a new firmware update for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable consoles. The feature would, for the first time, allow people to access the cross-media bar while they are wearing a shirt. Currently using the Cross-Media Bar requires gamers to don a kimono. Sony has not yet set a timeline for when this feature will be available.

Sony remained silent when asked if they would also offer in-blouse and in-hoodie Cross-Media Bar support.

New PS3 Model Coming Out?

Submitted by Xenoveritas on

I've been looking into buying a PS3 recently (hey, I need to do something to pass the time before Super Smash Bros. Brawl is finally released...), and I've noticed that the 80GB PS3 seems to be disappearing.

It's no longer available from Best Buy. I asked a blue-shirt at a Best Buy if they had any 80GB PS3s. When they looked it up on the computer, I noticed that the "deleted" flag had been set on its entry. Apparently Best Buy no longer expects to carry 80 GB PS3s.

KDE4 for Windows

Submitted by Xenoveritas on

KDE4 has recently released a Windows version of KDE which allows many popular KDE applications like Konqueror under Windows.

Well, sort of.

The installation process is still a bit sketchy. My first attempt to use the graphical installer failed, because I was behind a firewall and the attempt to use Firefox's settings failed. (It does need to be noted that I use a PAC script for settings, so if using Firefox settings worked for someone else, that could be why.)

I guess Mario isn't quite so passé

Submitted by Xenoveritas on

I've been watching Rise of the Video Game on Discovery channel. It's somewhat interesting to see what they say and what they show.

In the second episode, they mention that "the era of the mustached plumber is over," talking about how Mario has become passé and "more realistic" games like Grand Theft Auto 3, Halo, The Godfather and the like have taken over.


Submitted by Xenoveritas on

It's November now, and that means that NaNoWriMo 2007 has started!

As always, their website appears to be running amazingly slowly, so I'm currently trying to come up with a better way of linking my writing progress (currently 0 words out of 50,000).

Good luck to all the other NaNoWriMo authors out there!