Well, I already have the tickets, now I have the program for the upcoming Dear Friends concert, done in the finest xerox available. (Er, photocopy. Yeah, Xerox isn't generic. Yet.)
Anyway, the following songs will be played:
1. Liberi Fatali - Final Fantasy VIII
2. Zanarkand - Final Fantasy X
3. Terra's Theme - Final Fantasy VI
4. Theme of Love - Final Fantasy IV
5. Dear Friends - Final Fantasy V
6. Vamo Alla Flamenco - Final Fantasy IX
7. Love Grows - Final Fantasy VIII
8. Aeris's Theme - Final Fantasy VII
9. Not Alone - Final Fantasy IX
10. Ronfaure - Final Fantasy XI
11. Final Fantasy I-III Medley
12. New Melody from Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
13. Final Fantasy
There's some stuff on the back, too, but I have a feeling that the back is more copyrighted than the front, and won't post it.