Finally got around to moving this over to the new site.
Generate a Name! The names generated are randomly generated, so you can wind up with almost
anything, including English words and names from various
movies, games, books, whatever. The names are truely random, if you get something unexpected,
just hit Generate Name again. Yes, this can include certain four-letter words, although it's very unlikely. It's random.
On September 30th, 19:00 GMT (3:00PM EDT, 12:00PM PDT) this site will be unavailable while it is being upgraded. This downtime should be at most an hour.
More and more of the comment spam is starting with complements. It'd be nice if I thought there was anyone actually writing them.
I'll get stuff like "Great site! Love the hard work!" followed by a collection of spam links.
Yeah. I'm going to fall for that. Pull a random complement out of a database to win over website operators from around the world.
The smartest ones are those that have just the complement and hide the spam link in their username. Sorry. "Like your site!" linked to "" is really going to sneak past.
There's a reason why all comments have to be admin approved. I've lost count of the number of comment spams I've deleted.
This is simply a list of old Thought for the Moments from the box on the right side of the page.
Bittersweet chocolate is more bitter than sweet.
Someone should create an electric powered ice cream scoop.
We should burn spammers as a renewable source of energy.
Internet Explorer was originally created as a punishment in Hell for the hubris of the Netscape developers, until Bill Gates bought it from Beelzebub and released its blight upon the world.
(Or: What CSS rule is IE interpreting as "draw random sections of this block?!")
Oh, right, I've moved. So I suppose I should mention that I have Internet access at my new address now and can receive email and moderate comments and all that jazz.
I'll be moving this weekend, which means I'll be even less responsive than in the past. I still need to sign up for Internet access from a company, so I won't have access to the Internet for a while.
Note that "this weekend" is July 1st, 2006. We'll see how long this story stays up after it no longer applies.
I can't remember if I've ever posted this before, but user accounts created on this site also work within FFXI @ However, due to a configuration error, users created from this site would have no privileges to access the other site, and vice-versa.
I have now corrected this. All user accounts created from either site should work on both sites. You'll (currently) still need to log in to each part of the site individually, but your user account should now work properly on both sites.